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Training Materials
If your agency is in need of technical assistance on a specific topic, please send a request to We will work to provide information and connect you to resources.
Chronic Homelessness - Definition & Documentation
Recording (3/8/23)
Example: 1 continuous episode of homelessness
Example: 4 episodes of homelessness
Emergency Shelter
Emergency Shelter Learning Series: National Alliance to End Homelessness
HMIS Data Elements: Trauma Informed Data Collection
Recording (9/19/23)
Housing Navigation
The Tenant Resource Center provides three online trainings to help educate people who are assisting folks in finding housing. The trainings are:
1. Housing Law for Case Managers and Service Providers: Tenant Landlord Law and the Application Process
2. Understanding the Difference in Low-income Housing: Subsidized Housing, Section 8 Vouchers and Affordable Housing
3. A Practical Guide in Understanding and Overcoming Barriers to Housing: The Real Life Housing Search
HUD's Equal Access Rule
Webinar from National Alliance to End Homelessness
Equal Access Decision Tree: Supporting Equal Access Across the Full Spectrum of Services
Equal Access for Transgender People Supporting Inclusive Housing and Shelter
Equal Access Expectations Training Scenario
LGBTQ+ 101 Slides
LGBTQ+ 101 Recording
LGBTQ+ Housing Insecurity Slides
LGBTQ+ Housing Insecurity Recording
SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR)
Free Online SOAR Training Course
State EHH Funding
EHH Monitoring: Client Files (9/14/24) Recording
EHH Monitoring: Client Files (9/14/24) Slides
Trauma Informed Care
Resilient Wisconsin
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