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About Us

Vision Statement


The HSC membership shares the vision that all persons should have the opportunity to secure and maintain safe, stable and affordable housing. Members believe that housing is a human right. 


Guiding Principles


  • Everyone deserves an equal opportunity to housing free of discrimination. 


  • The community will continue to explore creative solutions to ending homelessness beyond those objectives highlighted in the Community Plan. 


  • There has to be a shared ownership and responsibility for preventing and ending homelessness across all Dane County groups including, but not limited to, business, faith communities, funders, government, homeless and formerly homeless individuals, and social service providers.


  • Consumers, those individuals who have been helped by services provided, have an integral role in the design of solutions to prevent and end homelessness.


  • Community volunteers are recognized as an essential part of preventing and ending homelessness.


  • The Homeless Services Consortium is a partnership of agencies, funders, advocates and formerly homeless persons and its success at preventing and ending homelessness is dependent on a commitment to the strategies and results in this plan.


Education and Advocacy


The Homeless Services Consortium believes that, in order to achieve the following goals, we need to communicate with the public about the impact homelessness has on the greater community and about the necessity of solutions coming from more than non-profit agencies and faith communities. The Homeless Services Consortium reaffirms our commitment to educate the general public about the presence of homeless families, single adults and youth in Dane County, and to advocate for resources that further our goal of ending homelessness locally and statewide.

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