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HSC Advocacy

The HSC Education and Advocacy (HSC E&A) Committee is committed to keeping you updated on upcoming housing related local policy issues. To accomplish this goal, we will send out an email with links for information about City, County and Community meetings of interest. We encourage you to show up for these meetings and share your important experiences with our local officials so they will better understand homelessness issues and needs.  


HSC Advocacy Statements:

2002 Zeier Rd. - Men's Shelter 03/30/21

Wisconsin State Budget 04/23/21

American Rescue Plan Funds 06/07/21


City of Madison:

Madison Common Council; 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 6:30pm

Madison Common Council Committees of interest:


Dane County:

Dane County Board of Supervisors; 1st and 3rd Thursday, 7:00pm

Dane County Board of Supervisors Committees of interest:


Dane County and City of Madison Combined:


Other Community Housing Advocacy Meetings:

pm - the group utilizes a Google Group to share info and meeting agenda


Helpful tips for public testimony:

  • Both the city and county have an electronic registration system.  Check the agendas carefully for how to register and check your email for any responses.  For County meetings you will need to register 30 minutes before the meeting starts.

  • Most committees have a 2, 3 or 5 minute limit. Some committee chairs will cut you off abruptly, others will let you finish your thought.  Sometimes a committee member will move to allow you more time. 

  • Also consider emailing your comments to the committee.  Say the most important things first so they get said and be succinct.  

  • Be direct about what you want them to do.  “Please vote in support or opposition” or “please amend this to _____”

  • Stories are always memorable.

  • Be prepared not to be able to ask questions or participate in debate.

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