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Each committee has a Chair who sets the agenda each month. If you wish to have an item added to the agenda, please connect with the Chair for the specific committee. Please note that there may be times when the agenda is full for the upcoming meeting and your item will be added to a future agenda or you may be referred to another committee if it is a better fit.

These committees have their own pages.

CoC Coordinator Torrie Kopp Mueller and HSC Board Member Jani Koester putting together a presentation

Board Executive Committee

Committee members consist of the HSC Board President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and CoC Coordinator (for staff support). Duties - Set agendas for Board meetings, approve signature of support/advocacy letters, convene a group to conduct review of the CoC Coordinator, provide support during annual elections, discuss and respond to grievances of the HSC Board Code of Conduct, make recommendations to full Board on Board policies, other duties assigned by the HSC Board. 

Education and Advocacy

Educate and inform the HSC membership and public on local efforts to serve the Dane County homeless population; provide trainings related to public benefits and mainstream resources to the HSC membership including how best to coordinate services; provide education on systems change to the HSC membership and public; seek out and advertise opportunities for professional development for HSC members; monitor and respond to proposed federal, state and local legislation and educate HSC members on issues affecting the homeless population and ways to respond, annually provide an advocacy platform for HSC Board approval.


Core Committee

Advise the Board of Directors on: annual CoC and EHH application requirements, issues related to operation and performance of the local coordinated entry system, HUD and local priorities for funding and issues related to managing the local homeless management information system (HMIS); remain informed of HUD priorities and requirements; responsible to identify and document gaps in service; complete an annual review of the Written Standards and create schedule for improvements; regularly examine systems performance measures and other identified data points; offer peer to peer technical assistance as needed; identify areas of needed professional development for the HSC; implement strategies that are outlined in submitted funding applications; prepare annual applications in cooperation with the Lead Applicant for CoC and EHH funds; agencies that receive CoC or EHH funds must participate in this committee.


Reimagine Coordinated Entry Workgroup
Scope: To propose a new way to prioritize individuals and families for Rapid Rehousing and Permanent Supportive Housing in Dane CoC to the HSC Board of Directors by the end of 2023.


Funders Committee

Provide a forum for public and private funders of housing and services targeted to homeless and at-risk persons to share information and coordinate activities as possible; use the Community Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness when setting funding priorities; membership will include HSC Board President. Make recommendations to designate the Collaborative Applicant as a Unified Funding Agency. This gives the Collaborative Applicant additional autonomy and responsibilities. 


Committee to End Youth Homelessness

The Committee to End Youth Homelessness (CEYH) is a standing committee of the Dane County Homeless Services Consortium. The two (2) primary charges of the CEYH are to: 1) develop recommendations and strategies for ending homelessness among unaccompanied minor youth and 18-24 year olds residing in Dane County, and 2) provide a forum for stakeholders to communicate and collaborate with each other. Ideally, committee membership shall include persons representing the following groups: 

  • Youth with lived experience

  • Organizations (government and private) providing services to homeless youth

  • Youth Justice

  • Child Welfare

  • Youth Action Board



Youth Action Board

The Youth Action Board (YAB) is a youth-led, youth-centered group made up of youth ages 14-24 who are passionate about ending youth homelessness. The primary objectives of the Youth Action Board are to provide a space where youth can connect and share their experiences, and then be empowered to have a voice in decision-making process of the Homeless Services Consortium, including but not limited to, policies, program planning, and funding decisions that affect the services and systems designed to support youth. This is achieved by building and maintaining a partnership with the HSC to engage in mutual learning, youth empowerment, and collaborative decision making. Youth Action Board members will also have the opportunity to hold a seat on the HSC Board of Directors.

Doubled Up Committee

The Doubled Up Committee has been a committee of the Homeless Services Consortium since October 2023. Originally starting as The Doubled Up Workgroup in 2019, it is comprised of service providers, community agency representatives, school social workers, family advocates, and private citizens, including citizens with lived experience being homeless. This committee is a group of individuals who are committed to raising awareness about doubled up homelessness in our community and advocating for resources to support this population.

Nominating & Governance Committee

The Chair of the Nominating Committee will be appointed by the President of the Board of Directors. Duties: recruit a broad spectrum of potential Board of Director candidates, solicit interested persons and review qualifications in order to present a ballot at the Annual Meeting of potential Board members; memberships should include at least one current Board Member who is not up for reelection; review bylaws at least biannually and present suggested changes to the Board of Directors. Develop and review the code of conduct and recusal process for the Board and its members. Policies will be reviewed at least biannually. 


Point-in-Time Committee

Coordinate efforts to implement sheltered and unsheltered Point in Time Count of Homelessness (PIT)counts; advise the Board of Directors on issues related to methodology and other HUD requirements for the PIT counts; committee must be chaired by an agency that provides outreach services. 


Shelter Providers Committee

Advise the Board of Directors on issues related to the operation of the emergency shelter system including unmet needs; provide forum for shelter providers to improve coordinated efforts to move homeless persons out of homelessness as soon as possible.


Community Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness Oversight Committee

Monitor and report annual results on Action Steps in the Community Plan; responsible for planning five (5) year community process to review goals and objectives to ensure that they continue to reflect current and future activities; review plan to ensure goals are relevant for community; annually recommend priorities to the HSC Board; committee must meet at least quarterly; membership should include direct service staff and agency managers. 


Lived Experience Council

The Lived Experience Committee's duties will be providing expertise and recommendations to the Continuum of Care to improve the quality and the effectiveness of the homeless service system and housing programs.

The Lived Experience Committee will consist of individuals who are formerly homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. The Lived Experience Committee will have decision-making capabilities in the funding process with at least one member who will hold a seat on the HSC Board of Directors. The expectation of the Lived Experience Committee member will be that they also join at least one other standing committee in the Continuum of Care.   


Additionally, the Lived Experience Committee will act as a pass-through for the Board of Directors as this committee will be responsible for reviewing new request for policy changes of programs that are within the Continuum of Care and for new projects that are going to be introduced to the board for approval.  Not only would they be a standing committee of the Continuum of Care, but this committee will also be responsible for gathering on an as needed basis to review proposals and together deciding if language should be implemented or changed to reflect the population that is being served.


The LEC will also have influence on enhanced program and agency service delivery in addition to system-wide policy changes in a variety of ways, including but not limited to: having representation during annual CoC monitoring visits conducted by the CoC Coordinator, HMIS representative and possible Board members; have representation on application review teams that read and score applications before making funding recommendations to the Board; and providing public comment at Board meetings to provide input when the Board votes on changes to the Written Standards or other documents provided by HSC committees.

Outreach Committee
The Outreach Committee of the Dane County Homeless Services Consortium will advise the Board of Directors on issues related to outreach services including unmet needs and gaps, recommendations on written standards, recommendations and strategies for ending unsheltered homelessness in Dane County and other issues as needed.  The committee will provide a forum for outreach workers to communicate and improve coordinated efforts to assist people experiencing unsheltered homelessness. The committee will develop agreed upon definitions of different types of outreach, shared goals, best practices, ethical standards and an outreach calendar as well as other procedures and practices that will assist in achieving shared goals.  The outreach committee will review data and make recommendations to partners on how to decrease the length of time homeless and increase permanent housing placements. The Committee will annually make recommendations to the Education and Advocacy Committee for issues to be included in the advocacy platform and provide input to the Community Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness Committee.  The outreach committee will coordinate closely with HSC and community case conferencing meetings (veterans, PSH, RRH, by-location for people unsheltered, hotels and other meetings that may develop). 
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