Become a Member of the Homeless Services Consortium
What is the Homeless Services Consortium (HSC)?
A partnership of agencies, funders, advocates, and people with lived experience committed to preventing and ending homelessness. The HSC Membership shares the vision that all persons should have the opportunity to secure and maintain safe, stable and affordable housing. Members believe that housing is a human right.
Who can become a member?
Anyone who is committed to preventing and ending homelessness in Dane County.
Why should I become a member?
To assist in our community’s efforts to prevent and end homelessness. The HSC has a variety of committees that you can join to help inform and shape our work. Please check out our committee page.
How do I become a member?
If you have a commitment to preventing and ending homelessness in Dane County and attend one HSC Membership meeting, then you can become a member. There is no application or paperwork to complete. Membership meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 1:00-2:30PM. Check out the event calendar for links. Please check out the list of current member agencies. Additionally, anyone can ask to receive emails from the HSC listserv. You will get information regarding program updates, job openings, training opportunities, advocacy efforts, meeting information, etc. It is a great resource for anyone dedicated to this work. Please subscribe to the listserv.