Governance Documents
The Homeless Services Consortium approved by-laws changes in November 2019. The by-laws provide direction on how the Consortium operates. If you are interested in joining the Governance and Nominating Committee, please send an e-mail to
The Department of Housing and Urban Development requires Continuums of Care to establish and consistently follow written standards for providing Continuum of Care Program, Emergency Solutions Grant or State of Wisconsin EHH Grant assistance. In addition, other funders may require programs to follow the written standards. The written standards must consistently be applied for the benefit of all program participants. These standards do not replace policies and procedures created by homeless service providers, but rather they provide an overall context for programs funded with federal, state and local funding. The Written Standards were approved by the HSC Board of Directors in October 2018. They are reviewed annually. If you are interested in working on review and revision of the Written Standards, please send an e-mail to
In 2023, Madison/Dane CoC, worked with Homebase, with support from the City of Madison and Dane County, to revise the Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness. This is a data informed plan using quantitative and qualitative information. The CoC held focus groups, one-on-one interviews and surveys. Focus was given to incorporating the voices of people with lived experience. This work resulted in Dane Forward: A Five-Year Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness. The Plan was approved by the HSC Board of Directors in March 2024. The Community Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness Oversight Committee reviews the plan regularly. The Committee tracks what has been accomplished and where work still needs to be done. If you are interested in being a part of this committee, please send an e-mail to